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This campaign is about inclusion, unity and community. It is about uniting men and women and all sports by a common thread. How do you feel wearing the new P.E Nation UNISEX range and what does that mean to you?

L: I feel very excited and honoured to be wearing the new range as I feel it's a great reflection of what the P.E Nation movement is all about. It was amazing to see how much work goes on behind the scenes from women and men and I believe the UNISEX range is an awesome way to showcase that. Shooting the campaign was a great display of inclusion and community in itself as between shots we all got to know each other and chat about the various projects we were all involved in. By the end of the day it began to feel like a little team and made me excited to follow along on the other's journeys.

C: The new UNISEX range makes me feel strong and comfortable, I feel inspired to push boundaries, to do, wear, and be what I want. For me, comfort is the most important part of style and this new range is pioneering that switch to comfort and leisure that everyone is desperate to see. Being a part of the Unisex campaign was exactly what I was hoping for and more, the word unity describes this experience every sense. The constructive and encouraging energy was infectious and radiated off every inch of space. P.E Nation have captured the true essence of inclusivity, everyone I had the pleasure of meeting now feels like a friend.

You are so accomplished within your field. What is your go to in order to keep motivated?

L: Staying motivated is all about balance. I love sprint training and the physical and mental challenges that it presents me on a daily basis but have learnt the importance of having other things in my life and setting aside time to do them. I really enjoy DJing and producing music and find that to be a great creative outlet for me. Setting clear and concise goals is always a must when it comes to motivation. If you have no idea what you want or why you want it, it's going to be very difficult to achieve it especially when the road gets tough. Two of my favourite motivational quotes are "he who has a why can bear almost any how" and "it's what you do in the dark that puts you in the light".

C: I try and muster creativity into all aspects of my life. Conveniently, once everything around you is art, it becomes easy to keep the creative ball rolling. Things like bright colours I see, drawings and paintings I create, as well as styling and wearing cool clothing keeps me motivated to design and create. If I’m in a creative funk, sometimes simply being around other creative and positive people - like Louis - inspires me to start thinking outside the box again.


Who inspires you to be the best version of yourself?

L: My family, close friends, my coach, teammates and my girlfriend Claire! They all remind me in their own unique ways to stop, reflect and be grateful for what I have. They also push me forward, endlessly supporting me in the pursuit of my goals no matter how scary they may seem at the time. I believe that is essential to surround yourself with open minded people who genuinely want the best for you and I know that I would not have achieved anything if it wasn't for those special people in my life.

C: My boyfriend Louis, my family, and my best friends. The best relationships I have with people are the ones where we can both lift each other up and inspire each other to be the best we can.

Movement is so important for the body and mind. How do you integrate this into your day to day life?

L: Fortunately, movement is a very central part of my life as I train for the upcoming Olympics but I know that it always will be. I integrate quite a variety of exercise in my day including running (you'd hope so), resistance training, yoga, pilates and swimming. I also just love the simplicity of grabbing a coffee or smoothie with Claire and going for a walk at the beach or at a local bush trail. Too many days without exercise and I start to feel a little off. As long as I am moving or getting out and about I feel like myself.

C: My favourite way to incorporate movement is through going on outdoor adventures, finding a trail in the wilderness or going to a beach, the exercise becomes second nature but the feeling is blissful. I also love my Reformer Pilates classes, it makes me feel strong and balanced in more ways than just physical.


We have all had to adapt to a new norm. How have you found this transition and how you approach the new way of life?

L: I've always been one to appreciate the simple things in life but this transition has definitely reminded me to never take for granted being able to see friends, go on spontaneous adventures and the importance of health. I am very fortunate to still be able to train under the safety guidelines and I'm progressing through my degree at Stanford from home. Although I miss my friends on campus, I now have a little extra time on my hands which has been devoted to our brand Livin' & Loving. As the name would suggest it is all about loving how you live and chasing those moments that make life meaningful. From everything that's happened over the last few months we've learnt that those moments don't have to come exclusively from travelling to exotic places but can come about if you have an attitude of openness and constant gratitude.

C: Adjusting to the new norm has been both challenging and brilliant. Studying full time and creating a clothing brand at the same time has been a lot easier to manage from home. This experience of being isolated through the pandemic has taught me that nothing is more inspiring than being alone with your dreams and cultivating them into reality. I have developed a greater appreciation for how the precious moments in life shouldn’t be taken for granted, to live in the moment and love others deeply. This attitude is what inspired us to create clothing we love with our lifestyle brand Livin’ & Loving.