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When asked the question "how do I remain grounded, in mind body and soul", I actually had to really think about it because there is a lot I do to fuel and feed my (inner) self but it’s not with the intention to remain grounded, it’s with the intention to grow and learn more about me and my body.

Global Wellness day with P.E Nation's Pip Edwards
Global Wellness day with P.E Nation's Pip Edwards

I sauna and swim regularly at Icebergs Pool – I find this helps me calm down from my frantic day. I must be conscious of my breath and sit still whilst I focus on coping in the heat and sweat. I then jump in the sea pool to shock my body, and it's completely euphoric, not only in sensation but also visually, as I’m doing all of this with the best view in the world (Bondi Beach). Not only am I completely in the moment, but I’m in the landscape and elements. I also enjoy doing my sauna time with friends and the social aspect to it as we go through the motions together. Similarly, I soft sand run in Summer. This not only forces me to focus on my breath and each step, but I am working my core and exercising, so I guess you could call this my moving meditation. I put my playlist on real loud and I pound the sand to the beat, only ever really looking at my feet, to get into a rhythm. It’s very therapeutic and gets me physical results.

Pilates is my ME-time and my non-negotiable. It totally keeps me grounded in my body as I challenge it, and focus on it, and tweak it and grow stronger from the inside out. I live for Pilates and the impact it has on my body, and my connection to my core, with grace. I love to do the Bondi to Bronte, and always stop off at the cliff between the South Bondi point as it turns around into Mackenzie Bay. I sit and gaze at the horizon and feel the power and enormity of the ocean. I do this often. It’s important to notice how small you are in the scheme of life, and how significant our landscape is to who we are, what we do and how we feel. I love to get different kinds of massages. I go to Venustus in Paddington for a spiritual boost where I see Jeanie, who ensures that I stay in tune to my inner callings and higher presence. She sets me tasks and rituals to follow and practice so that my “grounding” becomes part of my routine. After a soul sesh, I have the best 4 hand massage ever – its pure magic.

Global Wellness day with P.E Nation's Pip Edwards Global Wellness day with P.E Nation's Pip Edwards

I also see my spiritual healer, Rachelle, every 2 months for a Kahuna massage which unlocks and releases not only muscular but inner soul, past and current life blockages and re-instates my connection to self. It’s a super emotional yet relaxing massage. Generally, I love to burn candles, sage, and palo santo sticks to create a sacred space and encourage connection, and ritual respects. I also love to listen to audiobooks, in particular, “The Universe Has Your Back” on repeat – you all must listen to it. I’m pretty big into astrology and follow a number of websites and apps – Daily Om, Mystic Mumma, Susan Miller, The Pattern, Co-star for example. I’m super into all the information out there. I don’t live by their words, but I find it useful to know and it definitely enriches my perception and experience. My favourite thing of all to do is pull Animal Cards. I find them super insightful and only use them when I feel I need to.

So, I guess my grounding routine isn’t really the norm? But what is the norm? I don’t meditate for example, well not in the traditional sense. I do what works for me and my body. I do what makes ME feel good. I do what serves ME. As no one knows me better. Wellness is all about BEING and being WELL. And that is a very personal journey and one that speaks to your physical, your emotional, your intellectual, your spiritual, and your social fabric, all within your own environment. Health is wealth. And fine-tuning that will always be a balancing act of moving parts and constant evolution. The thing is to make sure that we always moving forward.